Friday, May 28, 2010

My ecological footprint


What is an ecological footprint?

A persons ecological footprint is the measurement of how much we as humans impact and demand from Earth's ecological capacity. It looks at how much land and water area a human population requires to produce the resources it consumes.

- What is the estimate of your ecological footprint?

My estimate was about 7 hectares

- Why should we reduce our ecological footprint?

We need to stop consuming so much from the earth's land water otherwise it will all run out. We need to move towards a fair and sustainable future by consuming less, using resources more efficiently, recycling and thinking about nature before us.

- What is an interesting fact you learnt from using the calculator?

The average footprint for all people in the world is about 2.5 hectares

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The three R's song

Hi class,

Today I found a really great song created by Jack Johnson, The three R's song. Listen to it and leave a comment.

Can you find a you tube clip, song, or presentation about your project topic to post on your blog?

Why should we recycle?

So last week we had a bit of a look at what recycling is on a basic level. This week our task was to find out why we should be active citizens in our community to help protect the Earth's natural resources.


Natural resources:
- There is a limit to the amount of oil in the Earth from which we can make plastic, and a limit to the amount of aluminium ore to make cans. These resources WILL one day run out.
- By learning how to recycle we can reduce our consumption of these finite resources (these are resources which will run out quickly). Also, when recycled materials are used to make new products, they don't go into dumps or landfills, so land is conserved.

- Recycling uses less energy than producing the same products from raw materials
- Less energy consumed means less of the greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane
- Prevent global warming

- Recycling materials creates less air and water pollution
- Less burning of rubbish, and less rubbish rotting in dumps

Fact: 85% of litter is made up of packaging waste. Most of this could be recycled.

Recycle away!!!

Hi class,

Now that you all have your very own blogs you can begin to create a profile to show who you are and what your blog will be about. This will be important, as your peers will be reading your blogs to find out information about your topic.
Check out my blog profile.

One of the activities we did this week was to chose our project topic and do some research to find out what it means. The environmental topic which I have chosen to research and report on is are some brief notes on what I have found so far:


What is recycling?
- The process of making things from materials that have already been used
- Materials which can be recycled: paper, plastic, aluminium and glass.
- The three R's: Reduce, Re-use, and Recycle

By recycling we can help to conserve the Earth's natural resources and reduce pollution and the amount of energy we use.

This image is going to be used to represent my project topic. Can you find a picture which represents your environmental topic?

Start Blogging!

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to your new eco-blog. This blog will be used for our class project on our new SOSE unit: Environmental Sustainability. This term you will each get to create your very own blogs, which will all link up to everyone else's in our class.

In class you will all choose a topic to research throughout the term. Your blog will be used for you to upload weekly tasks to show what you have been learning about. I will also be doing the same thing, researching a topic to give you examples of what to do and how to set your blogs out.

Keep checking our class blog for exciting updates!

Enjoy blogging!