Thursday, May 27, 2010

Why should we recycle?

So last week we had a bit of a look at what recycling is on a basic level. This week our task was to find out why we should be active citizens in our community to help protect the Earth's natural resources.


Natural resources:
- There is a limit to the amount of oil in the Earth from which we can make plastic, and a limit to the amount of aluminium ore to make cans. These resources WILL one day run out.
- By learning how to recycle we can reduce our consumption of these finite resources (these are resources which will run out quickly). Also, when recycled materials are used to make new products, they don't go into dumps or landfills, so land is conserved.

- Recycling uses less energy than producing the same products from raw materials
- Less energy consumed means less of the greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane
- Prevent global warming

- Recycling materials creates less air and water pollution
- Less burning of rubbish, and less rubbish rotting in dumps

Fact: 85% of litter is made up of packaging waste. Most of this could be recycled.

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